Tekna Si.S. is a technical engineering firm founded in 2016, after more than a decade of professional experience held in important free or associated technical studies. The studio was born from the idea of ​​the owner and founder Dr. Ing. Simona Serafini to provide customers with an active window where they can find the right design solution for their needs, to book a meeting directly with their trusted technician, and request easy and fast way some documents directly online.

The main objective of the study is to provide online technical advice, through all the current channels available on the market (skype, whatsapp …) in order to use all the services offered comfortably from your own home or office. The Tekna Si.S. it makes use of a team of qualified external professionals, such as engineers, architects, geologists, and surveyors, appropriately selected based on the type of intervention required and based on specific skills, to offer a 360 ° technical performance


Tekna Si.S aim to evolve and improve its performance.
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